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Faculty Profile

Sarah Knowlton


  • English Instructor

Current Course Assignments

ENGL 2 Reading-Composition (6223)
ENGL 2 Reading-Composition (6234)
ENGL 2 Reading-Composition (6667)
ENGL 11 Communicate Crit-Think (6578)

Education History

BABachelor of ArtsCSU, Chico
MAMaster of ArtsCSU, Chico

About my Background and Experience

Welcome to Butte College and to English. I hope you enjoy the class. I was a student at Butte College a long time ago and I know that school can seem like a challenge, but I want you to know that it is worth it, and you can do it. 

Throughout my time in school, I learned that the most important part of education is the process. It's not all about the end result, but what you take from the experience.

Teaching writing to students as a way to open doors into many other areas of life is my focus.

We all use writing and techniques of persuasion, as well as critical thinking, in everyday life, and I feel English will help us all communicate more fully in all aspects of life.

